A downloadable game

Selfloss - is an action-adventure game set in the post-apocalyptic whale-worshiping fantasy lands.

The old volhv Kazimir starts his epic journey by boat and on foot in search of a ritual that can cure his soul wound. 

Meet memorable characters and use the light of your magic staff to fight Miasm - the mysterious disease that overran the world.

Our protagonist - Kazimir - is a volhv, healer, and somewhat of a psychologist. Kazimir needs to find an Orca whale in order to perform a special ritual that will cure his own soul wound. Orca whales dwell far from Kazimir’s home and thus he starts his epic journey.

Throughout the journey he meets several characters that can not overcome the loss of their loved ones. Kazimir can heal their souls by performing a wake ceremony called Selfloss.

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